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Community -> Washington County -> Vernon
Vernon Utilities | Vernon Recreation


There are 5 residential real estate listings for sale in Vernon.
There are 1 commercial real estate listings for sale in Vernon.
There are 2 vacant land real estate listings for sale in Vernon.
There are 8 total real estate listings for sale in Vernon.

2 Vacant Land Real Estate Listings Found

Displaying 1 to 2

1.   955996
00 Holmes Valley Road, Vernon

2.   951113
40 Acres Bunker Creek Area, Vernon

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Welcome to Vernon, Florida.

Vernon Utilities


City of Chipley
(850) 638-6350

Gulf Power

West Florida Electric Co-Op
(850) 263-3231

Gulf Coast Electric Co-Op
(850) 265-3631


City of Chipley
(850) 638-6350


City of Chipley
(850) 638-6350


(850) 780-2344




Department of Motor Vehicles
1335 Cherry Avenue
Chipley, FL 32428
(850) 638-6155

Vernon Recreation


Brunson Landing
3112 Brunson Landing
Vernon, FL 32462

Campbell Park
4112 Jackson Community Road
Vernon, FL 32462

Fanning Branch Park
3700 Keenkutter Road
Vernon, FL 32462

Hicks Landing
3772 Brock Landing Drive
Vernon, FL 32462

Holmes Creek Boat Ramp
3081 Culpepper Lane
Vernon, FL 32462

Live Oak Landing
4830 Live Oak Landing Road
Vernon, FL 32462

Shell Landing
4519 Shell Landing Road
Vernon, FL 32462

Vernon Park
2899 Highway 79
Vernon, FL 32462

We are members of:
the National Association of Realtors, the MLS Listing Serivce, the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors, the Niceville Chamber of Commerce, and the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Equal Housing Opportunity. Consortia Blockchain Compliance Designation
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Homes.com, Homegain, Talking House, Google,
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